How does Dobble (Spot It) work?
Can the "Red Mirage" and "Blue Shift" be explained with math? ELECTION 2024
The Minecraft boat-drop mystery
Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?
The Brick Double-Domino Effect Explained
The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest.
The mystery of 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897...
Stand up Maths Theme
Landmark Numbers and Bad Number Analogies
Why was Biden's win calculated to be ONE IN A QUADRILLION?
Are There Any 3-Landlocked Countries?
New largest prime number found! See all 41,024,320 digits.
Stand-up comedy routine about Spreadsheets
The Mathematics of Winning Monopoly
Why do people keep getting this wrong‽
How do you prove a prime is infinitely fragile?
Can the Same Net Fold into Two Shapes?
What is a Vampire Matrix?
Are accurate election predictions luck or skill?
The 1,200 Year Maths Mistake