drastic - 7 adjectives similar to drastic (sentence examples)
progress - synonyms and antonyms
suppose - 4 verbs which are synonyms of suppose (sentence examples)
Drastic | DRASTIC definition
"Word of the day"Drastic" Hindi meaning with Use,synonyms and Antonyms.Special word "Drastic-Change"
correction - 6 nouns synonym to correction (sentence examples)
revere - 8 verbs synonym of revere (sentence examples)
Drastic Meaning in English
greed - 10 nouns synonym to greed (sentence examples)
Drastic Meaning
1000 Useful Vocabulary | Super Useful Synonyms to Expand Your English Vocabulary
Learn 200 HELPFUL Synonym Words in English To Strengthen Your English Vocabulary
alteration - 12 nouns which are synonym of alteration (sentence examples)
Learn English Idioms: GAME-CHANGER - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples
flattering - 6 adjectives meaning flattering (sentence examples)
V A R I E T Y - WORD OF THE DAY - English - Meaning - Spelling - Synonyms & Antonyms SATS
Word of the Day - Drastic
extreme - 14 adjectives similar to extreme (sentence examples)
ACUTE (C1 Advanced) Learn English Vocabulary
caution - 7 nouns similar to caution (sentence examples)