Understanding "Either Way is Fine": A Simple Guide to English Phrases
English: "either is fine" and "both are fine"
【Either is fine 】ってどう訳す?
Episode 78 Either way is fine.
●即1/54/Either is fine.
Either is fine with me.(どっちでもいいよ) 【短いおしゃべり(1分以内)聞き取れますか? #8】LW Unit111 英語表現チャンネル
Either way it’s fine
Either Way I'm Fine (Full Album)
Black or white, I'm fine with either, but not both - The Office US
Gustavo Bergalli Quartett:"Either is fine"
英語表現「なんでもいい・どれでもかまわない」Either is fine・ I don't care・ I don't mind・ Whatever・ It's up to you #英語 #英会話
Either way is fine,どちらでも大丈夫です,英語,シャドーイング,聞き流し,English Conversations Practice
Either Way Is Fine With Me
バッシングの代償 Either is fine.
(영어때려넣기) I'm fine either way. 둘 다 괜찮아.
Either Way, It's Fine With Me
Raphael & Tessa or Tessa and Raphael (either is fine)
I'm Fine Either way
어느 쪽도 상관없다 Either is fine
either is fine