Introducing of the Division of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
Takeshi Shimazu: "State of Japan's Emergency Medical Care System"
The Tragedy of the Commons in Emergency Medical Services | Toshiaki Iizuka
5G Field Trials in Japan: Medical / Emergency transport (2019)
【ノーカット】「感染状況は制御不能、医療提供は機能不全」今後の対策は? 東京都医師会が緊急会見(2021年8月13日)
A New System of Emergency Medical Care with the Use of iPads
Tokyo hospital inundated with requests to accept coronavirus patients
Japan Travel Tips | What to do if you’re sick or injured in Japan?
Emergency Care In Japan
Emergency Room in Tokyo, Japan
U.S. Army's 2018 Emergency Medical Services Provider of the Year.
COVID-19 State of Emergency Now in Effect : A message from the Governor of Tokyo (March 24th 2021)
FDR Xair for Emergency (Interview with Dr. Yutaka Igarashi - Nippon Medical School Hospital Tokyo)
[#PM7] week2 Intro Emergency Medical -パラメディックプログラム
【Japan】COVID-19: Emergency Declaration Extended, How to Rebuild the Healthcare Availability System
What Hospitals In Japan Are Really Like | A Foreigner's Experience
「医療崩壊と言える状態」 新型コロナウイルス第8波の猛威 医療現場の現状は? 鹿児島(2023.1.12)