Educating Social Workers in Palliative and End-of-Life Care | NASW
Chris - Palliative Care Social Worker, Sobell House
A Guide to End of Life: Social Worker’s Perspective
What Does a Social Worker Do in Supportive Care?
Bridget Sumser on Palliative Care Social Work: Honouring the Whole Person – Ep 5
Death is Part of the Job: A Model of Staff Grief in Long-Term Care
End of Life Care - Module 2: Practice processes for identifying carers in palliative and EOLC
Palliative Care: Home Hospices
It takes an incredible amount of compassion to be a hospice social worker
Never worry (or work) alone: How nurses can improve palliative care
Palliative Care - The Family Meeting
Stories from a Hospice Social Worker: Patrick Loughlin
Cancer: What is rewarding about palliative care social work? - Belinda Matigian / Social Worker
The LTC Chronicles - Mary-Lou Kelley- Palliative Care Social Worker
Hospice Interview Questions and Answers
Career in Social Work | Become a Palliative Care Social Worker | Tips for Job Seekers | India | UK |
Hospice Social Work: How We Support Patients and Families
We Work as a Team
Meet Katie Davis, MSW - Social Worker for Hospice of the Northwest
Improving Patient Care: Careers in Medical Social Work