Dr Michael Connolly - Palliative Care Competence Framework
What is Palliative Care
Living and dying well for people with disability: Palliative & end of life care knowledge framework
Living and dying well for people with disability: Framework deeper dive
End Of Life (Palliative Care) Training Video ¦ Adult Social Care Training
Camelot House - Gold Standard Framework for end of life care
The Changing Face of Palliative Care
Advanced Palliative & End of Life Care webinar at the University of Huddersfield
Matters of Life and Death: End of Life Care – Live Webinar on 12/30/24
Identifying those requiring access to palliative and end of life care
GSF Primary Care in a Nutshell
Interview with Professor Caroline Nicholson, Chair of Palliative Care & Ageing, University of Surrey
WeRPN Nursing Week: Palliative and End of Life Care
Improving end of life care: Timely identification of patients to benefit from a palliative approach
Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds: Palliative Care
What's New in Best Practices? A Palliative Approach to Care in the Last 12 Months of Life BPG (2021)
CSBPR webinar: Palliative and end of life care for stroke patients
Palliative care – How, when and where to refer
Predicting & Planning for End-Of-Life Care | S04-E09