enforce - 5 verbs meaning enforce (sentence examples)
Improve your Vocabulary: Enforce
enforce - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
[v] Enforce meaning (law, rule) with 5 examples
Enforce Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace
IELTS | Words made easy- Enforce
English Vocabulary Builder: ENFORCE - Verb (Pronunciation & Usage)
🔵 Enforced vs Unforced - Enforce Meaning - Unforced Examples - Enforcement Defined - Unforced Error
What is the Meaning of Enforce | Enforce Meaning with Example
ENFORCE - Meaning and Pronunciation
Enforce : C1 level english vocabulary lesson, www.LipLix.com
Enforce Meaning and Definition
IELTS Vocab #1011 Enforce #Short
Re-enforce Meaning
Day 72 | How to say APPEND | Meaning | Pronunciation | Example Sentence | Synonyms | A word A day
How to Diffuse a Difficult Situation - in Just Five Words
enforce 実施する、施行する、強要する、強調する、強く主張する