How to Write Power Query if Statements incl. Nested ifs, if or, if and with the IF function
Power Query Secrets: Use coalesce (??) to handle null values
Remove Random Null Values from Columns in Power Query
If ISBLANK, NULL or EMPTY in power query
Replace Values Based on Condition (in a Single Step) in Power Query
Unpivot Columns And Keep Null Values in Power Query
Mastering the IF Function in Power Query - including Nested-IF statements (Complete Guide)
SWITCH Function in Power Query
Handling NULLS or Blanks in Power Query Power BI Desktop Tips and Tricks (28/100)
Power Query Tutorial: How to Conditionally Replace Values Without Creating New Columns
Get Count Of null per column in a Table - Power Query M Table.Profile
Handling null values in custom column in Power Query - Power BI
Merge Columns in Power Query without Blanks or Nulls
Remove rows based on condition in Excel's Power Query
Conditional JOIN using Power Query | A different way of merging in Power BI
Null values and blank values in Power query editor
Power Query Replace Values the safer way
Find and tag duplicate values in Power Query
Remove all rows having all null values in Query Table in Power Query in Power BI