Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students
Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students: Late Work
Teaching Gifted Students
Online Learning Extensions for Gifted Students Presentation
RESCON 2019: Providing Authentic and Meaningful Extension for Gifted & Talented Students
Supporting Gifted Students in the Classroom
Math Enrichment for Gifted and Advanced Students #giftededucation #giftedandtalented
Teachers TV: Gifted and Talented
Powerful Strategies to Enhance Learning of Gifted and Highly Able Students (3/7/18)
What to Expect When You're Expected to Teach Gifted Students
Starting Strong: A Roadmap to Serving Gifted Learners Well in the New School Year
SAA SNAPSHOT: Enriching and Extending Reading for Your Gifted Child
Building Collaboration with Parents of Gifted Students (2/24/2015)
Enriching the WHOLE Gifted Child (2/16/2011)
Assisting Gifted Students in Developing Self-Regulation (2/6/2013)
Scaffolding for Gifted Learners
Practical Strategies for Advanced Learners
Teaching Gifted Students Interdisciplinary Concepts (2/23/2016)
How do I leverage technology to enhance gifted student learning? (2/9/2016)
After school enrichment activities are an extension of the school day!