FAIRLY - Meaning and Pronunciation
fairly - 7 adverbs which are synonym of fairly (sentence examples)
How to use QUITE, RATHER, FAIRLY, and PRETTY | Short and clear explanation with a quiz inside
Fairly | Meaning of fairly
Fairly | meaning of Fairly
rather - 7 adverbs which are synonyms to rather (sentence examples)
pretty - 6 adverbs which are synonyms of pretty (sentence examples)
FAIRLY meaning, definition & pronunciation | What is FAIRLY? | How to say FAIRLY
Vocabulary #483 #english #wordmeaning #bankexams2024 #learnenglish #synonyms #antonyms #shorts
🔵 Beautiful Synonyms - Vivid Adjectives - attractive, good looking, pretty, lovely, handsome
quite - 6 adverbs which are synonyms of quite (sentence examples)
relatively - 6 adverbs which are synonyms to relatively (sentence examples)
Pretty, quite, rather, kind of? 🤓 #englishlearning #vocabulary #ielts
Ways to say I’m Fine#Synonyms#English
fairly - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
sizeable - 7 adjectives which are synonyms of sizeable (sentence examples)
urge - 13 verbs which are synonyms of urge (sentence examples)
satisfactory - 11 adjectives which are synonyms to satisfactory (sentence examples)
Pretty | Meaning of pretty
serious - 7 adjectives synonym to serious (sentence examples)