Fairly | Meaning of fairly
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How to use QUITE, RATHER, FAIRLY, and PRETTY | Short and clear explanation with a quiz inside
Fairly Usage, Pronounce, Meaning, Definition, Sentence Examples - Adverb Series
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FAIRLY meaning, definition & pronunciation | What is FAIRLY? | How to say FAIRLY
Fairly | meaning of Fairly
Fairly or Rather @ Learn English With Shivani#learnenglishwithshivani
Quite / Pretty / Rather / Fairly
quite, rather, fairly, pretty | Adverbs of Degree | English Vocabulary Lesson
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fairly - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
Fairly Meaning and Definition
156 Quite, rather, fairly, pretty
"Fairly Fantastic: Mastering the use of 'Fairly' with Adjectives!"
fairly - 7 adverbs which are synonym of fairly (sentence examples)
Using Adverbs – Quite, Pretty, Rather, Fairly | Intermediate Grammar | B2 Level
10 Sentences with 'FAIRLY'