Desiderata - A Life Changing Poem for Hard Times
A Tear and A Smile - Khalil Gibran (Powerful Life Poetry)
Alone by Edgar Allan Poe, read by Tom o' Bedlam
Trauma-Informed | A poem by Ton Mazzone
Nayo Jones - "Healing"
If I Could Tell You by W.H. Auden
Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother
Dear Anxiety || Spoken Word
"Time does not heal..." a short poem immersion - Mia Yammine
A Poem About Healing My Kitchen cPTSD Triggers | Tamara Ridge
From Scars to Strength: The Poetry of Recovery | Bianca Mikahn | TEDxBoulder
Anita D - And the Psych Ward Says
HURT - a sad poem that will make you cry
The Healing Power of Slam Poetry
I'm Okay │Spoken Word Poetry
What depression can look like
Grief comes in waves Poem [Spoken Word, Irish, Quote, Poetry]
Left Behind... (a heartfelt poem about losing a loved one)
Healing From Relationship Breakdown Trauma Through Poetry
Student's viral poem asks 'Why am I not good enough?'