fearful - 11 adjectives similar to fearful (sentence examples)
fearful - 14 adjectives meaning fearful (sentence examples)
Afraid, Scared, or Frightened? - Learn Confusing English Words
How to use "afraid" in a sentence - "afraid" sentence examples with pronunciation
Scared sentence in english | Scared ka sentence | Make Sentence of Scared |
fear sentence english | make sentence of fear | fear ka make sentence | fear ka sentence
afraid - 4 adjectives synonym of afraid (sentence examples)
Afraid sentence in english | Afraid ka sentence | Make Sentence of Afraid | afraid
fear - 6 nouns which are synonyms to fear (sentence examples)
afraid - vocabulary words with meanings and sentence examples
...afraid of...pattern sentence.
scared / afraid | daily vocabulary | sentence making
How do you put fear in a sentence?
Simple Future Tense Sentences For Daily Use #english #englishgrammar #tenses
fear - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
IDIOM: scared stiff
Frighten | meaning of Frighten
Expression word with Meaning and Sentence (fear of heights)#betterlearning
50 Collective Nouns you need to know || #spokenenglish #vocabulary #learnenglish
"Be afraid of" meaning | "be afraid of" in a sentence | Common English Idioms #shorts