Duties and Responsibility of Office Bearers and Executives
Role of Office Bearers
Sometimes we hear people speaking ill of office-bearers or the Nizam-e-Jamaat. What should be done?
Disqualifications of office bearers, Right and duties of office bearers and members
Role of office bearer (President, Secretary, and Treasurer) in a Producers' group
Introduction for Office Bearers
Disqualification of Office-bearers, Right and Duties of Office-bearers and Members
Responsibilities of Ahmadi office bearers
Understand our Roles & Responsibilities: MKA UK Office Bearers Forum
Every office bearer should be the role model for general Ahmadi members
Advice to Office Bearers
Duties of senior office holders
Pearls Of Wisdom | The responsibilities of an Office Bearer
Responsibilities of office bearers during covid19 pandemic.
Examine the Role of Political Office-bearers in Promoting Ethics (LU6/LO3)
What are the responsibilities of a Chairperson?
Should Office Bearers be Removed if Accused?
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih AlKhamis ATBA Addressing office bearers about duties. 18 August 2023
New Office Bearers