Excel: How to Show the Day of the Week for a Date - Weekday Function
Jump to Today's Date in Excel | Hyperlink Formula or VBA Macro to Find Today's Date in Worksheet
Excel VBA Basics #25 Extract the DAY, WEEKDAY, MONTH, YEAR from a date. How to use DateSerial
Add number of days to a date in Excel VBA
Excel VBA - Dates
Show the Current Date Every Day in Excel (or Time) - Excel Quickie 65
#273-Excel VBA Tutorial: Convert Dates to Days with One Simple Code
Create Function / Formula to get yesterday's date in excel | Tomorrow |Next week | Today's Date |VBA
Create a Stock Management System in Excel with VBA | Complete Tutorial
Automatically Add Date/Time to a Cell When You Enter || Record Date and Time when Value is Changed
Add Current Date and Time using a Macro | Excel VBA
VBA Define the date with day, month and year
How To Extract Year Month Day from Date in Excel VBA
VBA Code To Get The Day Name From Date
How to Add Days to Dates in Excel
Excel VBA Tips n Tricks #11 Find the Pay Period Start Date and End Date - Easy!
Easily Return the First Day of the Month From a Date - Excel
Excel Tutorial - Number of Work Days Between Two Dates - Custom VBA Function
Excel Automatically Date and Time Stamp When Data is Entered but Don't Change When Data is Modified
Excel Magic Trick 299: Date & Time Number - Total Days & Hours Formula