How to Rename a Local Git branch
How To Rename A Local Or Remote Branch In Git ?
How to Rename Git Local and Remote Branch using git command ? || Git || Github
3 simple steps to change your master branch name to main
How Do You Rename A Branch In Git?
Delete git branch from local & remote
Version control using Git (pt 4): Collaborate (remote/local machines), manage conflicts
Git ブランチ名の変更例
YEGRB (+ExchangeJS) February 2021 – Brooke Kuhlmann – Git Rebase
Automatically delete branches from git repository using terminal
Git ブランチをローカルおよびリモートで削除するにはどうすればよいですか
videoHow do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name?
Git Part 1: Introduction
Change Git's Init Branch Name Default
40. Remote Tracking Branches. Difference between local branch and the origin remote branch - GIT
ターミナルで Git および GitHub の Master の名前を Main に変更します
16. All about Git Branching | push a branch to git remote repo
Rename your GitHub "master" branch to "main" wtih Alina Lodahl
Git Course 3/3: Remotes and Github