Historical Thesaurus of the OED 이용가이드|연구의 활용방법
How to use an online thesaurus
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Historical Thesaurus of the OEDのご利用ガイド|研究での活用方法
Historical Thesaurus of the OEDのご利用ガイド|カテゴリーについて
Overview of the Historical Thesaurus of the OED
How to learn Synonym & Antonyms
Using a thesaurus to substitute words
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Visual Thesaurus
Using a thesaurus to find high level words
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Historical Thesaurus of the OED 이용가이드|카테고리
Using as a Dictionary and Thesaurus
1103 Using the Thesaurus and Research and Translation tools
Using Broader and Narrower Terms from the ERIC Thesaurus
Visual Thesaurus: The Basics
ERIC Thesaurus and Identifier Update