What are the most common Python docstring formats?
google python docstring example
How to Document Your Code Like a Pro
Google Style Python Docstrings Dictionary of Multiple Types
docstrings - Python のヒントとコツ #10
#6: Python のドキュメント文字列 | Python のベスト プラクティス
Python コーディングの 8 つのヒント - Google Python スタイル ガイドより
Sphinx - How to generate documentation from python doc strings - Five + Minutes on Tips and Tricks
Creating Python Function docstrings and Running doctests
docstring - Python3エンジニア認定基礎試験 #20
Python チュートリアル: docstring
PYTHON : Custom PyCharm docstring stubs (i.e. for google docstring or numpydoc formats)
Formati di Docstring in Python: Google, Sphinx e NumPy a Confronto
python docstring argument type
Creating python function docstrings and running doctests
Python for Beginners | Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate
how to add docstring in python
Geographic Software Design Week 10: Adding docstrings to a Python package