What is epic poetry | epic poem characteristics
Everything you need to know to read Homer's "Odyssey" - Jill Dash
Why should you read Virgil's "Aeneid"? - Mark Robinson
Epic Poetry Workshop, Frederick Glaysher, AIPF
Greek Philosophy 2.4: Heroism and Immortality in Early Greek Poetry
Were Homer's Epics Born in the North? Unraveling the Baltic Roots of Odysseus and Troy
The myth of Hades and Persephone - Iseult Gillespie
Epic Poetry Reading, Frederick Glaysher, at The Farmhouse
Epic Poetry Reading, Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets, Selections 2015 - 2017
Famous Ramayana epic now in modern English
Heroism in the Ancient Greek Epics
The Iliad (lines 1-6) by Homer, translated by Robert Fitzgerald (Year of Memory Work Week 4)
Poetry Reading, Epic Poetry Reading, Frederick Glaysher. November 30, 2015.
Epic Poetry Reading, Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets. An Epic Poem.
Unmasking EASTER 1916: Secrets of Yeats' Epic Poem Revealed 🕵️♂️
Epic Poetry Reading, Frederick Glaysher, Troy Public Library Sept 23, 2017
The Dunkirk Epic? | Odyssey, Iliad, Aeneid Analysis
The Sublime Theogony of Hesiod
Greek Mythology 3500 BC to AD 2014