You can't play 6 octaves in 9 bars.
Highest Note Ever Played on Trumpet
The HIGHEST notes ever played on the trumpet
High Note Trumpet 【Embouchure】Hiroshi Yamauchi
Want EASIER High Notes? Here's The Answer.
Highest Notes Ever on Trumpet - Daniel Leal Trumpet
You can play the trumpet this LOW and HIGH notes. Daniel Leal Trumpet
What Does a Triple G Sound Like on Trumpet? Trumpet High Notes
The HIGHEST Notes Ever Hit on Trumpet-Part 3
Highest trumpet note
The Highest Notes Ever Hit on Trumpet: The Squeak-quel
when the trumpet music looks like a flute score
The Point of Failure in you High Notes (Trumpet Secrets)
Guinness Record Trumpet High Note FFF
Trumpet Solos - SCV 2019 Vox Eversio (highest note ever in dci)
How to Play High Notes #trumpet #trumpetplayer #jazztrumpet
This is the highest note he’s ever played 🫨💀😱😱😱
Have you ever heard a trumpet scream this loud? #10