Speed camera operators began their 48 hour strike at midnight | 7 News Australia
Mobile speed camera signs reintroduced, Government accused of revenue raising | 9 News Australia
Secret speed cameras labelled as revenue-raising | 9 News Australia
Speed cameras in Australia
Hundreds of speed cameras out of action in Victoria during long weekend | 9 News Australia
Victoria's top road cop will be the new speed camera watchdog
Speed and red light cameras in Vic affected by computer virus - Daily Mail
Five men wanted for smashing mobile speed camera | 9 News Australia
Labor is ‘totally revenue raising’ with speed cameras
New funding for Queensland traffic cameras post $800 million fine collection
Speed Camera Trashed In 'Cowardly' Attack In Victoria | 10 News First
Speed camera operators set to walk off the job at a dangerous time on our roads | 7 News Australia
Snap happy
Speed Cameras are only for Revenue Raising - Myth #5 - Busting Myths on Speed
Speed camera false readings audit finalised | 9 News Australia
Drivers crying foul over Melbourne speed camera netting a million dollars a month | 7 News Australia
Extremely Dangerous Anchor Drop 😱⚓️
NSW to reinstate mobile speed camera warning signs
Camera Crisis
Warning signs for mobile speed cameras now reinstated | 9 News Australia