HKMU - Putting Innovation at the heart of ODL: What are the Possibilities?
HKMU - Charting the Digital Path: The Intersection of Technology and Sustainable Tourism
HKMU - CHRO Forum: New Age Talent Strategies for the New Hong Kong Economy
HKMU - Entrepreneurship 101
HKMU - 五四青年節
HKMU - Corporate Governance Series: Adding ‘Substance’ to Audit Committees
HKMU - Talk of the Metropolis: Race to zero: A 30-year challenge for a century-old industry
OUHK - E-Learning (Part 1)
HKMU - IIBG Symposium 2023: Global Stakeholder Sentiments and Governance in the Digital Economy
OUHK - 香港公开大学简介 (全日制)
HKMU - Sustainability in Action: Sustainability and You
HKMU - Executive Forum: Navigating the New Normal
OUHK - Life as an OU student (Part 2)
OUHK - E-Learning (Part 2)
【Replay of HKU Business School x IFTA Masterclass】