Rounding to the Greatest Place Value
Matchstick 4567 - Find the Highest Number
Math Antics - Rounding
Using Place Value to Round 1-5
rounding off highest place value
Place Value Of The Digits In A Number | Mathematics Grade 5 | Periwinkle
Grade 3 Math #1.2b, Round to nearest Hundreds place
Estimate the sum or difference as indicated:4,567+14,743 (rounding off to the nearest thousand) ...
Rounding to highest place
Round Numbers to the Nearest Ten, Hundred, Thousand, and More!
Rounding at underlined place#MathMarrow#Math shorts#Round at indicated digit
Rounding Numbers To The Nearest Thousand
Place Value and Value of a Digit Grade 4: Q1- Lesson 9 MATATAG Curriculum
Rounding Off Numbers To The Nearest Ten Thousands
Round off each of the following number to the nearest hundred | Write numbers nearest 100
Rounding Off Numbers to the Nearest Thousands
Grade 3 Math: Q1 Ep 5A (estimates the sum of 3- to 4-digit addends with reasonable results)
The Maths Prof: Rounding to the nearest 10
Estimate the following difference to the nearest thousands. 5693 - 3254 | CLASS 6 | KNOWING OUR ...