「時間」をボールペンで書いてみた 【小学二年生で習う漢字】
How do you say "It's up to you." in Japanese? / 「あなた次第です」はダメ?
Native Japanese speakers say THIS! “What time is it?"
how do you say what time is it in Japanese? | Learn Japanese in 15 seconds!
How to say "It's up to you" in 🇯🇵 #Shorts #learnjapanese
Can you say “what time is it? ”in Japanese
【Can you say it? English→Japanese】100 easy and useful Japanese phrases
Can you say あつい でした?| Japanese Daily #141
【Can you say it? English→Japanese】 100 Japanese phrases spoken by native speakers
How To Say【It depends on~】in Japanese ★日本語でよく使うフレーズ★ Let's Learn Japanese with me! Japanese lessons
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【Can you say it? English→Japanese】70 Japanese phrases for native children to remember
にほんごではなそう!#6 【How to say in Japanese】いまなんじですか。 (What time is it?)
【Can you say it? English→Japanese】Everyday Japanese conversation phrases
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「今日は暑いですね!」と言えますか?日本語で? 【日本語会話練習】
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【Can you say it? English→Japanese】Japanese phrases at hotels
How to say what time every day (what to do) in Japanese? #shorts