How to say "Would you like something to drink?" in French
Say it in French = What would you like to order
Say it in French = What would you like to eat
Say it in French # And what would you like to drink
ÇA TE DIT を使用してフランス語で提案を行う
How to say what would you like to drink in French
フランス語の単語とフレーズ - フランスでのコーヒーの注文方法
Ordering Coffee in Paris: Tips for Intermediate French Speakers
🇫🇷 French Lesson 03 - How to say Coffee, Milky Coffee... in French?| Learn French within 30 seconds?
フランス語でコーヒーを注文する方法 |フランス語のレッスン
How do you say "some" in French? 🤔
French is Easy.
Restaurant phrases in French | Coffee Break French Podcast S1E17
How To Say I WOULD LIKE in French
How To Order Coffee In French | What The French
【公式 期間限定全話無料配信】ガレージセール・ミステリーアンティーク探偵ジェニファー 「殺人者の幻想曲」/1話完結!どこからでもOK!/シネフィルWOWOW プラスでシーズン1見放題配信中!
French Verbs - How To Say What You WOULD LIKE in French - Vouloir Conditional
When to use 'on' in French | The Coffee Break French Show 2.01