How does fracking work? - Mia Nacamulli
TEDxOilSpill - Jackie Savitz - Myths About Offshore Oil Drilling
A stinky problem: Abandoned oil and gas wells in the US
The Impact of Oil Drilling in the Arctic
How Offshore Oilrigs Work, Float, and Extract Oil
Expert speaks about the effects of oil drilling and fracking on the environment
Natural Gas 101
Nigeria divided over new drilling in oil spill-hit town
Where Do We Get Oil From? - Geography for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi
Crude Impact: Oil, The Earth and Humanity
Rigs to Reefs: The Future of Offshore Oil and Gas | Amber Jackson and Emily Callahan | TEDxLAHS
The BP Oil Spill and the Future of Energy in America
Life Cycle of Oil & Gas Wells - from Drilling to Completion
Oil and Gas Drilling: Health Equity Stories from The Colorado Trust (English subtitles)
Oil and Ice: The Risks of Drilling in Alaska's Arctic Ocean
Greenpeace activists block Arctic oil drilling
Drilling for oil and gas in New Zealand: Environmental oversight and regulation
Will Drilling in ANWR Really Lower Oil Prices?
Stop Arctic Drilling Cold – Keep Oil Under the Sea