College student opinions on minimum wage
A short video of a college student's perspective of the minimum wage.
Students Support Raising Minimum Wage, Aren’t Concerned About Economy
Labor Markets and Minimum Wage: Crash Course Economics #28
College Students Comment on the Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Increase Affects UARK Students
Workers Pay for Privileged Students
What Will Happen If We Raise the Minimum Wage?
Minimum Wage Act Hurts Student Employment Program
Can an increase in minimum wage reduce student debt?
College Students Pushing For Higher Wages On Campus
Minimum Wage
Should We Raise the Minimum Wage?
Why Many Minimum Wage Studies Are Bogus
Minimum Wage at K College
Trust Fund Kids & Minimum Wage Workers Play Truth or Drink | Cut
College Grads Are Increasingly Working Low Wage Jobs
Persuasive Speech - College - what would happen if the Minimum Wage doubled
UW Tacoma students speak out on minimum wage
Minimum wage - The Story of Money [MUST WATCH]