How social media influences the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17
Teens open up about the impact of social media on their lives
Does social media negatively impact teen mental health?
Social Media And Self-Image
Teens Under Pressure: Mental Health & Social Media
When Social Media Affects a Young Person's Self-Esteem
When Social Media Affects A Young Person's Self-Esteem
What Are the Effects & Impact of Social Media on Teenagers?
Lose your Label
Why teen brains are particularly vulnerable to social media
The Dove Self-Esteem Project Sheds Light on How Social Media is Fueling a Youth Mental Health Crisis
Impact of Social Media on Youth | Katanu Mbevi | TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool
Reverse Selfie: Social Media's Impact on Girls' Self-Esteem | Dove
Young People discuss Body Image | Pressures, Social Media and Ads | Childline
Social media lowering self esteem and confidence of young generations
The Adolescent Brain: A second window of opportunity
The Battle for Your Time: Exposing the Costs of Social Media | Dino Ambrosi | TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool
How social media posts affect our self-image
Dove | Reverse Selfie | Have #TheSelfieTalk
SOCIAL MEDIA and its Effect on SELF ESTEEM and MENTAL HEALTH📱| Selina Huang @Act4YouthHealth