How high can a Cessna 172 fly?
Why the CESSNA 172 Skyhawk is Excellent
X-Plane 11: Cessna 172 in space! How high can the flight model handle?
How Heavy Can You Get A Cessna 172
How Long Since You Flown a Cessna 172?
High Performance Cessna 172XP - Flight and Pilot Interview
How High Can A 172 Go
Why The Cessna 172 Skyhawk stands out .
9 things this Cessna 172 Skyhawk can do that standard 172 can't - Cessna 172 for sale
How to Land an Airplane | Landing a Cessna 172
Cessna 172 insane Crosswind Landing - heavy turbulence
The Cessna 172 that flew from California to Hawaii
How to fly a Cessna 172
Is the Cessna 172 BETTER than the Piper Cherokee? (The Shocking Truth)
Cessna 172 at 13,500 Feet! Climb Test With Data
Planning a 900-mile Trip in a Cessna 172 - EPIC Sunrise!
Landing in high winds and a flipped over Cessna!
How to choose the right airplane to learn to fly? High Wing vs Low Wing. Piper vs Cessna.
A Cessna At 27,000ft!!! Highest flying unpressurized aircraft EVER!
WHICH AIRPLANE IS BETTER? | Cessna 172 vs Diamond DA40 NG | FULL Comparison