IV Sedation - Q & A - General Anesthesia
Explanation about sedation in UMC Utrecht
Intravenous Sedation for Endoscopy Colonoscopy
How You Wake From Anesthesia
How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng
Explaining IV Sedation #anesthesiologist
IV Conscious Sedation
IV Sedation vs Oral Sedation
What is the Difference between IV Sedation and General Anesthesia?
5 Dental Anesthesia Options & Everything You NEED to KNOW About Them (Getting Numb At The Dentist)
The power of propofol
General Anesthesia
Intravenous sedation for dental treatment | Information for patients
IV anesthesia administration
What is Conscious Sedation?
General anesthesia pharmacology - Medications for induction, maintenance, & emergence
What Will Happen at Your Dental Anaesthesia Appointment?
Confessions under anesthesia 😬