Why treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution
History Where It Happened Series: The 1807 Treason Trial of Aaron Burr
What is Treason? [criminal law terminology]
What Is the Punishment for Treason by a President? - CountyOffice.org
A History of Treason in America - US 101
Treason and aiding the enemy: Cramer v. United States | Criminal Law
Part 6 of 9: Treason Against the United States
How is treason punished?
Treason Against the United States
Robert E. Lee Indicted for Treason
Rep. Jeffries (D-NY): "How dare you lecture us about treason." (C-SPAN)
Sacred Trust Talks 2016 - Did Robert E. Lee Commit Treason?
Why President Donald Trump Is (Falsely) Accusing People Of ‘Treason’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
What IS Treason?
Treason as Defined in the United States
Great Trials in History -- Aaron Burr Treason Trial
A Historical Perspective on Treason
Usurpation is Theft: Treason Against the Sovereignty of the People #shorts
Breaking Down The Law: Treason, Sedition & Insurrection | Battle Born Injury Lawyers