NC drivers frustrated over long wait times at DMV
Long wait times to get into the DMV
DMV: Average wait time on Monday was around two hours
Inside The Increased DMV Wait Times
Yes, you are waiting longer in DMV lines
Connecticut gov.: Average wait time at DMV drops to under 20 minutes
Drivers frustrated with months-long wait at the DMV
New tool designed to avoid wait times at DMV
Long Wait Times For The DMV
DMV Extending Office Hours In Response To Long Wait Times
New examiners mean shorter wait times at DMV
Are Lines Getting Shorter At The DMV?
L.A. DMV Didn't have to wait NO APPOINTMENT
DMV wait times down under Youngkin’s transformation plan
Long lines at the Walnut Creek DMV
What's being done with $70M dedicated to shorten lines at DMV?
POV: You Skip the DMV Wait
Pearl DMV draws long wait time for patrons after reopening
DMV wait times in Hampton Roads
Waiting For Hours At The DMV? Help Is On The Way