PREVIEW - N.C. DMV: No appointments, long wait times
DMV: 3-month wait time for car registration appointments
Long Wait Times at the DMV: Is It Time for Change?
Drivers frustrated with months-long wait at the DMV
Long wait times to get into the DMV
How to Get an Appointment at the DMV: Tips and Tricks
What it Feels Like to Wait at The DMV in California
DMV making changes to cut down wait times, increase appointment availability
Long Wait Times For The DMV
How Long Can You Wait At the DMV
Drivers experiencing longer wait times at DMV offices
Illinois will require DMV appointments in effort to shorten wait times
DMV Extending Office Hours In Response To Long Wait Times
How the DMV is working on cutting down wait times
North Carolina DMV making changes to reduce long wait times
Long Wait Times for Driver's Test at DMV
Fixing long wait times at the DMV
Texas is trying to fight long wait times at the DMV. Here is their plan
Changes at the California DMV: Even longer lines
North Carolina DMV announces schedule changes to reduce wait times