Tough news laws to crack down on youth crime
Councilman says juveniles who commit violent crimes should receive harsher punishments
Youth Crime | 60 Second Sociology
Number of juveniles committing crimes in McLennan County is on the rise
Crimes committed by juveniles piling up as questions to DJS remain
Youth crime and justice: Does age matter?
Youth crime: "The inequality in our community is tearing us apart" | Q+A Throwback
Broken: Violent juveniles commit new crimes when DCS isn't watching
More juveniles committing serious crimes in Kentucky
Youth and the Criminal Justice System
Violent crimes and juveniles
Tackling a rise in youth crimes in Omaha
Trends in Crimes Committed by Juveniles in Dane County - Ariel Barak
Violent crime in Twin Cities was down overall in 2024, but issue of juvenile crime persists
Juveniles as young as 12 wreak havoc as lawmakers tackle juvenile crime laws
MIC in a Minute: Group Interviews and Youth Crime | Research Methods (GCSE Sociology)
More than a third of crimes are committed by youth
Louisiana May Soon Start Treating Most Juvenile Offenders As Juveniles
Which Crime Is Most Often Committed By Juveniles? -
An Introduction to Youth Hate Crimes and Hate Groups for Juvenile Justice Professionals Webinar