How Did the King James Bible Come About?
Revisions to the KJV in History
10 Changes Made to the Bible (Part 1 of 2)
Is the King James Version of the Bible the most accurate translation?
Revisions of the King James Version
Has The TEXT of the King James Bible ever CHANGED? | Myth #3
How We Got the Bible: Ancient Manuscripts to the King James Version
Explore the Bible: Why So Many English Translations?
Was the KJV really a FRESH translation, or some sort of REVISION? | Myth #2
✍️ [NEW!] Jaw-dropping 666 Discovery Utterly Proves the King James Bible is God's Preserved Word
How can you trust the New Testament when the original manuscripts are different?
Did Chuck Missler Read the KJV Before it was supernaturally CHANGED?? #mandelaeffect
The Errors in New Versions of the Bible (Why KJV only)
Matthew 19:13 KJV, "lay" has been changed to "put" by the Mandela effect in all KJV bibles.