What's the Perfect Way to Start an Album?
When making your debut album almost kills you
A Brief History of the Concept Album
What is the Difference Between a Single, an EP, and an Album?
Whitney vs. Mariah? Which debut album track for track do you prefer? #viralvideo
How I Listen to an Album
How many times I listen to an album.
How Boston's debut album was one of rock's greatest capers!
Making an Album in a Day (w/ Andrew Huang)
What Your Favorite METALLICA Album Says About You
How to Write a #1 Album in a Bedroom
Breaking down the first single off my debut album!
Evil/Innocent: The Story of Korn's Debut Album, Part 1
Could this be the best opening track ever?
@Number_i_official Reveals Favorite Genres in 'No.O -Ring-' Album! #shorts
The Lost Art of Album Sequencing
Songs Metallica Gave No Second Chance (But Why?)
12 Insane Stories From Slipknot's Self-Titled Debut Album
2 Bands Who Re-Recorded Their Songs That Became Hits - Gin Blossoms, Green Day