How does Norfolk Police Chief Mark Talbot's salary stack up against other chiefs in Virginia?
Dallas police chief’s salary revealed for new role as Austin’s assistant city manager
West Palm Beach deputy chief of police hired at salary of $194,210
Proposal To Raise Police Chief's Salary
Taxpayers React To Vote To Increase Police Chief's Pay
New Hampton police chief will be one of the highest-paid chiefs in Virginia
$35,000 added to APD chief salary
Upping Dallas chief's salary is a tough sell
Edmonton police chief's salary draws criticism and raised eyebrows
Private donors boost St. Louis police chief salary | On Balance
Ashville police chief remains on paid leave amid investigation
Blue Mound police chief resigns after council considers slashing the department's budget
RTD defends decision to make it's police chief the highest paid in Colorado
Chief Blair on Project Brazen 2 , police salaries & his health
Police chief's pay up for discussion
Omaha police chief and deputy chiefs could receive pay raises if city council approves new proposal
Greensboro Police Chief hopes increasing starting pay will help recruit and retain officers
Next Question: What did the prior RTD chief get paid?
Houston-area police chief to resign after discrepancies found in his overtime pay
What it takes to be a police chief