Federal judge in Texas strikes down Affordable Care Act
Federal judge in Texas strikes down student loan forgiveness plan
Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Struck Down by Federal Judge
Federal judge in Texas blocks Biden student loan forgiveness plan
Federal Judge in Texas Could Make Most DANGEROUS RULING Yet
Texas federal judge rules DACA illegal – again; here’s what that means
‘This is not excusable’: Federal judge grills Texas leaders over failures of state’s foster care
A federal judge in Texas has once again declared DACA illegal, affecting 600,000 young adults
Texas federal judicial district to install its first-ever African American judge
US judge in Texas strikes down Biden loan-forgiveness plan
Another North Texas associate judge ordered to stop hearing cases
How a federal judge in Texas could block access to abortion medication nationwide
Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Texas Abortion Ban
Insight about federal judge ruling Texas drag law as unconstitutional
Federal judge strikes down Biden's Title IX changes
Texas abortion law temporarily suspended following federal judge’s order
Federal judge in TX blocks Biden's student loan handout
Federal judge denies GOP effort to toss 127,000 votes in Texas
Federal judge blocks Texas book rating bill