How is Palliative Care paid for and what is it?
Types of social care and how much they cost
Transforming palliative care services in Warrington
Addressing the cost of living crisis and its effects on end of life care and those needing it
When should palliative care be offered to cancer patients?
EAPC Webinar: The Economics of Palliative Care.
Differences between Hospice Care vs Palliative Care
Can palliative care meet the challenge of care for persons with long term chronic illness
The Economics of Palliative Care
Bending the cost curve in cancer care -- dreams and reality
Ms Jo Thompson - ANPs in Palliative Care - a UK perspective
Palliative Care: Exploring the value of care and quality of life
Issues in Palliative Care
Reflections on Hospice and Palliative Care in UK Dr H Richardson
Dr Liz Grant - Palliative Care: A Global Development Challenge
Palliative care for the 21st century | Professor Irene Higginson OBE FMedSci
Prof Karen Ryan, Palliative care for the older person - considering data to plan for the future
Palliative Care Funding Review - developing a palliative currency
Health economic evaluation of palliative care
Rhetoric, research and reality: access to palliative care in the UK