You Have An Ideal Body Weight- BULLSH*T!
What Is Your Ideal Body Weight
The Most Attractive Bodyweight for Your Height is...
High vs Low Reps (Science-Based)
The Physique Women Find Most Attractive!
Perfect Height and Weight For Men and Women
The down side of being Lean👎 10%-12% bodyfat (as a natural lifter )
How Much Should I Weigh? | What Matters for Healthy Weight Loss 1
How Much Muscle Can You Build With & Without Steroids?
How Long To Get From 25% to 15% Body Fat? (Reality Check)
How To Tell If You Are GAINING Muscle
How Long To Go From 25% Body Fat To 15%? (Step-By-Step)
How Many Calories per day to Build Muscle?
How To Go From 35% to 15% Body Fat (5 Steps)
30% BodyFat vs 15% BodyFat
How tall do I look? 👀
How many reps for muscle growth?
How much protein you REALLY need.... for MUSCLE GROWTH + FAT LOSS
INSANE 8 Month Sober Transformation!
20% Body Fat VS 10% Body Fat in 4 months