Introducing Smart Fare
I hit the jackpot buying a Valley Metro bus pass
Mobile fare is here!
Smart Fare in the Valley Metro app
METRO Light Rail - Purchasing Your Fare
Purchasing a Phoenix light rail pass
Plan your trip with the Valley Metro app
Changes are coming to Valley Metro routes. Here's what to expect
Valley Metro Launches New Fareboxes
Why This Transit Bus Crashed Into Best Buy..
Track your ride with the Valley Metro app
The Valley Metro Ticket Machine
Dan Dan Vlog #465.1: problems with the Valley Metro bus pass vending machines
Riders who skip Valley Metro fare wanted on warrants
Getting on Valley Metro
How to Use a U-Pass and Platinum Pass 2013
New Fareboxes on Metrobuses Leading to Better Bus Experience for You!
Valley Metro is going paperless | Cronkite News
Your Suns ticket is your free ride on Valley Metro Rail
People get tickets for no fare on light rail