中国語で「友達」はどう言う?言い方シリーズ | ChinesePod による Mandarin MadeEz
Learn Key 5 Phrases on phone in Chinese!
Seeing a friend on the street - Mandarin Chinese Dialogue (Pinyin and English in description field)
How to make a phone call in Mandarin/Chinese
中国語で人々に挨拶する方法 こんにちは、中国語でこんにちは 中国語の挨拶を学ぶ
中国語で「赤ちゃん」は何と言うでしょう? (彼女/彼氏へ)
how to address people in Chinese(2020)/how to sound more polite in Chinese(don't say nihao)
How to Greet People in Mandarin Chinese | Beginner Lesson 4 | HSK 1
Most Common phrases to Make Friends in Chinese.
Mandarin Chinese Lesson: "Don't call me 'xiǎojiě!' OK?" with eChineseLearning
how dou you answer a phone call in chinese
中国語中国語レッスン - 基本的なビジネス電話
Useful Phrases for Video Calls in Chinese - Speak Chinese Naturally on Zoom, Skype, FaceTime...
How do Chinese call their lovers? Will you call your girlfriend pig? LOL中国語で恋人の呼び方??小猪猪?
How do you say" want" in Chinese?
Speaking Chinese on Phone Call Prank 😂
Chinese Podcast #9: How to Make Friends in China? 如何交中国朋友?
Learn Chinese| What do my friends and gramma always say to me. “measure word口”
Proof That Chinese is the Easiest Language