Unix & Linux: remove special character from files in directory
DevOps & SysAdmins: How to delete file containing special characters in Linux? (5 Solutions!!)
delete directory with special character in filename (3 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: How do I remove special characters from a file? (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Delete file/folder containing special character
Linux File and Directory Management - Creating and Removing Files and Directories
Unix & Linux: How do I mass remove certain characters from directory/file names? (2 Solutions!!)
Directory and Subdirectory Rename command special characters in filenames
How To Recursively Delete Files of a specific extension in Linux .
Unix & Linux: Delete ghost files with special characters
Unix & Linux: How to rename all files with special characters and spaces in a directory?
Batch removal of special characters from file names in Linux (2 Solutions!!)
Remove special characters at end of row in unix file (2 Solutions!!)
formatting output in bash shell to remove special characters - linux (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Remove special characters in a text file (3 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: How can I remove files which contain special characters and Latin-1 characters?
How to remove/rename file which contains special character eg. "-x" using command line?
How to use command prompt to delete file with special characters?
Unix & Linux: Remove all type of special characters in unix .csv file
Linux Terminal - Creating and Removing Files