Editing boot ini file
Windows98/XP Dual boot & Edit boot.ini file
Editing the Boot.ini
SmartLearn - Understanding and Using BOOT.INI in Windows XP
How to Repair or Replace Boot.ini in Windows XP | TechwithGuru
Editing the Boot.INI
Editing the Boot.ini file
4 Ways to modify and edit boot.ini (System boot file) .Y2006 [S3MN]
[SOLVED] Invalid Boot.ini Windows XP
How can I manually edit boot.ini in Windows 7?
Edit boot.ini file
How to change the boot time in window xp?
How to make a 4-boot manager/Edit boot.ini
Boot .ini
How do I repair an invalid boot.ini without the Windows XP CD? (2 Solutions!!)
How to Apply Custom Boot Screens in Windows XP
Invalid BOOT.INI (dual boot XP with 7) (5 Solutions!!)
How to Change your boot and logon screen in Windows XP
Migrating Windows XP BOOT.INI Settings to Windows 7 Boot-loader (4 Solutions!!)
Windows XP : Rebuilding the Layout.ini File