How to get your Handicap placard faster from the DMV: 2 Wants to Know
“fastest” “cheapest” way to GET you’re HANDICAPPED PARKING PERMIT placard (weeks instead of months)
Community members weigh in on new disabled veteran license plate law
Ask Trooper Steve: Rules for disabled veteran plates
How to get a handicap parking permit in Indiana IN
Parking a car with expired tags or no license plate is illegal in Indianapolis
What's AFTER 100% VA Disability
Ask Trooper Steve: Rules for disabled placards
How Social Security Disability handles Veterans with a 100% Disability Rating?
DMV Sting Catches Handicap Parking Placard Violators
Autism Awareness Specialty license plate
Got expired plates? Be warned
Getting Answers: License plates delayed in mail
Police are tracking you and your license plates
Why Guy: Why don't police pull over drivers with expired license plate stickers?
Ask a trooper: When to move over, license plate laws, and other viewer questions
County Commissioner Gets Pulled Over, Says ‘I Run the County’
How to Get Out of ANY Ticket in Court 99% of the Time
Victim of a Hit-and-Run but you got the Other Driver's Plate Number - Attorney Jonathan Macri