Excel tip to get day of the week from a date
Excel: How to Show the Day of the Week for a Date - Weekday Function
AutoFill Dates in Excel - Days, Weekdays, Months & Years
Use Excel To Convert Date To Week Number Using WEEKNUM and ISOWEEKNUM
Date format with day of week in excel 2016 2019 2013 2010
Excel - schedule with week numbers
Excel Date Mastery: Fill Monday Weds Fri Dates - Episode 2256
Formula to Extract Day Name from date in excel 2013|2016
AutoFill Only Weekdays in Excel (2 Quick Ways)
Autofill Dates in Excel Based on Another Cell | Increment Dates Using Formula - Days, Weeks, Years
Show the Current Date Every Day in Excel (or Time) - Excel Quickie 65
Use the Weekday function to populate a time sheet in Microsoft Excel
How to create a list of only Sundays
Add Week to Date | Excel Formula | Learn Excel
Use IFS and WEEKDAY Function to Auto Populate a Calendar
Excel 2010 - Auto Fill Days of the Week and Dates
How to Add Days to Dates in Excel
Excel Weekday Function
How to use WEEKDAY and WEEKNUM functions in Excel
How to Pull Data Between Two Dates to Another Sheet in Excel (Using FILTER!)