Installing & configuring Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver
Install ODBC Drivers
Oracle DV - Connector to Impala Database
MuleSoft - Connecting Cloudera Impala
Part 1 - Hive Setup ODBC Driver
Cloudera Impala with R Integration
Cloudera Administration - Configure the Cluster - Configure Proxy for Impala
Configuring and Installing Impala
Load data in PowerBI with ODBC connections
Cloudera Administration - Configure the Cluster - Install HA Proxy
Hortonworks Data Platform - CentOS 7 - Part 13 - Install Hive OBDC Driver for SPSS Modeler
Connecting CDH to Hive, Impala and Beeline | Big data and Hadoop | Apache Spark and Scala
Simba Technologies Hadoop/Hive ODBC 3.52 Connector Overview
CSCI E-185 Nancy Wei - Cloudera Impala
Serving big data on HDFS using Impala on Excel and Qlikview
[PrestoDB] Installation
Nadia Dobrianskaia: Connecting to kdb+ with ODBC
Data to Analytics - Setup Tableau Cloudera Hadoop Connectors (Hive and Impala)
An introduction to Cloudera Impala - SQL on top of Hadoop
Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action: Part 9 - ODBC Connectivity to Hive and Basic HQL