Unix & Linux: How to Find and Remove special Character in unix?
Linux remove/rm files names containing strange characters
Unix & Linux: How do I remove special characters from a file? (2 Solutions!!)
Remove special characters at end of row in unix file (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Remove special characters in a text file (3 Solutions!!)
How to remove whitespaces and special characters from a text using linux shell script - RHEL 9
Remove Special Characters in LINUX Like a Pro in 2024
Unix & Linux: remove special character from files in directory
Advent of Code 2024 IN BASH! (day 6, maybe more?)
Unix & Linux: SED - Find and replace with special characters (#, , % )
Delete Character in File with Unix tr, sed, or perl Command
formatting output in bash shell to remove special characters - linux (2 Solutions!!)
Command Line Tips: Process a file to remove Carriage Returns ^M
Find and Type Special Characters on GNU / Linux - ASCII
How to remove control M character from a file in Linux/AIX
Unix & Linux: Remove special characters from a column in a pipe delimiter file - Generic
Unix & Linux: Remove all type of special characters in unix .csv file
Unix & Linux: sed remove special characters and spaces in line
Unix & Linux: How can I remove files which contain special characters and Latin-1 characters?
How to remove a special character in my curl output using grep,sed or awk?