Man seeks to change animal cruelty laws in Washington after dog killed by stranger
3 Washington Co. Women Facing Felony Animal Abuse Charges
Man charged for animal cruelty in Washington Co.
Safe Passage for Children Free Webinar: The Link Between Child Abuse and Animal Abuse
Child/Animal Abuse: Safer Together, Cross-Reporting for Humane and Human Services
Kentucky bill lets veterinarians report animal abuse cases to law enforcement
Neighbors cannot 'fathom' the animal cruelty, neglect discovered at West Seattle home
Woman arrested for alleged animal abuse
App created to fight animal abuse
Community Conversations: The Real Animal Cruelty
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
Dog left to die in trash bin symbolizes Detroit's animal abuse epidemic
College Hill apartment residents under investigation for animal abuse
Connecting the Dots in Military & Civilian Family Courts: Animal Abuse Link to Other Family Violence
Pasado's Safe Haven: Interview with Animal Cruelty Case Officer & Prosecutor
Dog Bite Laws in Washington State
301 - How to Recognize, Report, and Stop Animal Abuse
Correlation between animal abuse/cruelty and the interpersonal violence – Evangelos Drivas
Officials discuss animal abuse investigation
Ag-gag Impacts: Beyond Animal Protection