The 3 Signs of Blame Shifting And How To Deal With It
"What your problem GREEN?"
If someone says shut up say...
what is your problem green
I played with tense1983 #cs2
What did you say about my brother?
“I have cerebral palsy what’s your problem?”
We think we’re avoiding the problem.But we’re actually avoiding the feeling that comes with it.
Savage replies to insults part - 6 | savage replies | #savage #shorts
[SFM] What's your problem, Green?
Kids Say: What's your problem?
Mercuri_88 Official TikTok - What’s the problem ?
Riley said what he had to said 😭💀
Comebacks on comebacks
tense Green What's your problem Me say alone ramp (Web Cam screen for trolling)
Don't worry what someone thinks about You!
How to Tidy Your Room in 10 Seconds | What's Your Problem?
not my problem 💅